from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000
from 16500 25000

Sprinkled with _ and Affection, the best Spiced Cashews served with your favourite seasoning. Buttery-Sweet with a hint of _. A popular classic for rain-heavy evenings, busy mornings, and everything in between.

Cashews help lower cholesterol levels and are a rich source of Copper, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, Iron and Phosphorous! This means that Cashews are great for healthy hair and healthy skin. The Dietary fibres of Cashew Nuts also aid in food digestion which can lead to weight loss.